ponedjeljak, 2. travnja 2012.


Dioskuri na steni u blizini Gabele

Mora se odgovoriti na pitanja  o nedavno prona|enom nalazu reljefno isklesanih likova epsko-mitski poznatih Dioskura, t.j. Jelenine bra}e Poluksa i Kastora  na steni koja se nalazi na 2,5 km. udaljenosti od bosanskog gradi}a Gabele. Na tom prostoru, prema mi{ljenjima Meksi~kog lingvisti~kog istra`iva~a  Roberta Salinasa (kome se pridruzujem)  nalazio se epski opevan Prijamov grad Troja.
Pitanja  se name}u nau~nim institucijama, arheolozima, praistori~arima i svim zainteresovanim traga~ima da progovore o epski opevanoj geografiji i ‘izgubljenoj’ praistorijei najve}eg i najbrojnijeg evropskog etnosa – Slovenskoga.

·        Ko je , kada  i zbog ~ega na steni isklesao likove Dioskura o kojima se pouzdano zna da su  u anti~ka vremena od strane Rimljana bili najpo{tovanija bo`anstva i za{titnici Rima. Poznato je da su taj reljef isklesali 754 g. epsko-mitski poznati Dardanovi ~ukun unuci, t.j. Enejevi unuci: Romul i Rem.
·        Da li ovaj reljef  koji se zasada nalazi i Mostarskom muzeju, pokazuje: mesto njihovog `ivotnog epiloga, daleko od svoje domovine, severnoitalijanskog Sperta d’ Alpago?
·        [ta je  razlog {to se ne pominju kao u~esnici u  Trojanskom ratu
·        I {to je jo{ zna~ajnije zasto se ne prepoznaje podneblje epski opevane geografije Troje?

Dioscuri rock near Gabela

Must answer questions about the recently found | particular finding relief carved figures of famous epic-mythic Dioscuri, ie Jelena} brothers Castor and Pollux is the rock that is located at 2.5 km. distance from the Bosnian town} and Gabela. In this area, we {the opinions of the Mexican linguistic research and Roberto Salinas (who joins) there was an epic opevan Priam's city of Troy.
Questions can name} in the scientific institutions, archaeologists, prehistoric breeders and all interested seekers have to speak up on an epic opevanoj geography and the 'missing'} praistorijei our largest and most numerous of European ethnicity - Slovenian.

Who, when and why the rock carved figures of the Dioscuri which is reliably known that in ancient times to the side of the Romans were the most {tovanija deity and the {Roman guards. It is known that the relief carved 754-year epic mythical known Dardani ~ ukun grandchildren, ie Aeneas grandchildren: Romulus and Remus.
Does this relief to be planted there and Mostar museum shows: their role in living epilogue, far from his homeland, severnoitalijanskog Spert d'Alpago?
[{This is the reason it is not mentioned as participants in the Trojan War
The {{This is still significantly why it does not recognize climate epic opevane geography of Troy?

  M.I. Omirovski


1 komentar:

  1. Intrigantno. Interesantno.Jos niko o ovoj temi nije progovorio. Ocekujem diskusiju.
